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- Age Rebels Revolution: EP25 | Trading in Conventional Life at 40 with 60 Italian Lira and No Idea What's Next ... with Jennifer Grieve
What do you do at 40 when you end your marriage, walk away from your home and jump on a plane to Europe with no plan and 60 Lira in your pocket? Be inspired by the story of Jennifer Grieve who did just this... 20 years later...she's back in Australia, living her dream with a plethora of world travel and adventure under her belt. Jennifer is a true force to be reckoned with, having recently taken up ocean sailing, yep, none of this mamby-pamby day-trip stuff for this full-of-energy 61-year-old. She is a true Age Rebel, having designed her dream life, and is now living it. 🎙️ Listen here:
- The Jentaly Roots
Explore more about where Jentaly started, and what is at the very heart of what I do.